English-Spanish- Learn and practice these words and expressions daily in conversation.

to the-al (a+el)
I'd like to introduce you to Mr. Molina.-Quiero presentarle al senor Molina.
the ( feminine, singular)
I'd like to introduce you to Mrs. Molina.-Quiero presentarle a la senora de Molina.
the pleasure- el gusto
Glad to meet you.- Mucho gusto.
equally (equally)-igualmente (igual)
Likewise, thanks. Igualmente, gracias.
enchanted (to-enchant)- encantado (encantar)
to meet, to get acquainted, to know-conocer
to meet you (feminine)-conocerla
Delighted to meet you(fem)-encantada
to meet you (masculine)-conocerlo
Glad to meet you.-Mucho gusto de conocerlo(la).
See you tomorrow.-Hasta manana.
luego-then, later
So long. Hasta luego.
The pleasure is mine- El gusto es mio.