About Trust No Man

Jeremiah 17: 5, 7: Thus says the Lord; Cursed is the one who trusts in man, and draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns awayfrom the Lord. But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose hope and confidence are in Him.''

Just like the Master had created natural and spiritual laws to set the earth and universe inmotion with the power of His words, according to (Genesis 1-2), our Creator alsospoke the logos (audible or written Word) when He ordained and instituted the Law for Marriage and Divorce in Matthew 19:9 for believers who were created in His own image. The Master's marital law for husbands and wives who are believers mustbe honored and obeyed, until death do them part.

Can there be real hope for salvation, repentance, and reconciliation unto Godfor men and women who legally and spiritually decide to break their covenantal vows? The non-fictional story of Ahaband Jezebel in chapters 1-3 will shed light and understanding on the truth of the matter as to whether there can be remarriage for believers after a bitter divorce.

For further details about this book, click on this link to Authorhouse Publishers and type in the auhor's name, Walter Anthony Blair, and then click on the title Trust No Man to see a Free Preview and bio.