Special Note: The best way to get started in Spanish is to try out your new sounds in syallables in everyday conversations. Regardless, of your situation,  these basic expressions are a must for every Spanish speaker. Please try and memorize them as you converse in your new language.

Excuse me!- Con per mi so!!-

Go Ahead!- Pa se! 

I'm sorry!- Lo si en to!

Thanks a lot!- Mu chas gra ci as

Please!- Por fa vor!

Yes! -Si!

You're Welcome!- De na da!

Hi!- Ho la!

Good Morning!- Bue nos di as!

Good Afternoon!- Bue nas tar des!

Good Evening/Night!- Bue nas no-ch es

Good-bye!- A di os!

See you later!- Ha sta lu-e-go!

How are you?- Co mo es ta us ted?

What's happening?- Que pa sa?

How's it going?- que tal?

Nice to meet you!- Mu-cho gus to!

Fine, thanks!- Bi-en gra-ci as!

And you?-Y usted?

Very good!- Mu-y bi en!

Nothing much!- Sin no ve dad!

Same to you!- I gual men te