Objective: Understand how to form, use, and give familar commands by using the third person singular form of the Present Tense.


1. Define a command as when you politely tell someone to do something.Example: Do your homework tonight.

2. Introduce the three model verbs: hablar-speak,comer-eat, and vivir-live.

3. Form familiar commands by using the third person verb form of ar, er, and ir verbs. Example 1: hablar= habl-a=speak
            Example 2:comer=com-e=eat
            Example 3:vivir=viv-e=live

4. Now, practice forming and using commands with additina ar, er, and ir verbs from the vocabulary verb list to your right.
VOCABULARY VERB LIST: Practice forming, using, and giving commands from the third person verb forms of ar, er, and ir verbs.

tocar-touch                     ver-see
borrar-erase                   poner-put 
pintar-paint                     leer-read
levantarse-stand            beber-drink
cantar-sing                     comer-eat
bailar-dance                   correr-run
escuchar-listen to           coser-sew
tirar-throw                      hacer-do
buscar-look for               tener-have
soplar-blow                      poner-put
tocar-touch                      ser-be                   
apagar-turn off               volver-return
dar-give                           medir-measure
sentarse-sit                     abrir-open 
escribir-write                   traer-bring
applaudir-applaud            abrir-open
irse-go                              reir-laugh
Read, translate, and act-out these commands with a partner.

1. Vete a la ventana y abrela. Go to the window and open it.
2. Canta la cancion. Sing the song
3. Aplaude tres veces. Aplaud three times.
4. Escribe una carta a su amigo.Write a letter to your friend.
5. Sientate bien en su asiento. Sit up correctly in your seat.
6. Dame su anillo y carta. Give me your ring and letter.​
7. Mide el perimetro de un triangulo. Measure the perimeter of the triangle.
8. Duerme en su cama. Sleep in your bed.
9. Come sus verduras.Eat your vegetables.
10. Bebe la botella de Coca-cola.Drink the bottle of Coke.​
11. Traeme su telefono. Bring me your telephone.
12. Callate la boca. Be quiet.
13. Apaga la luz. Turn off the light.
14. Tira la pelota a mi. Throw the ball yo me.
15. Enciende la luz. Turn on 
16. Cierra la puerta. Close the door. 
17. Abre la puerta y ventana Open the door and window. .
18. Haz su tarea esta noche. Do your homework tonight.
19. Corre alrededor su silla tres veces.
20. Sea amable y bueno. Be kind and good.
21. Ten paz, amor, y gozo en tu vida. Have peace, love, and joy.
22. Toca la nariz y el cabello. Touch your nose and head.
23. Pon el papel en el escritorio. Put the paper on the desk.
24. Mide el piso con una regla. Measure the floor with the ruler.
25.Tira la pelota en la playa.  Throw the ball in the beach.