
     My name is Walter Blair, and I am Author and Designer of this interactive, user-friendly, and resourceful website designed to teach the Spanish language the fun and easy way through a communicative, Audio-Visual Approach. First, you will learn the basic concepts and skills, useful vocabulary and conversation necessary in becoming proficient in speaking and understanding the Spanish language for the sole purpose of surviving in daily conversation known as the ``Sink or Swim Method.'' However, my primary goal is to teach participants the conversational and academic language necessary to become bilingual, bi-literate, and bi-cognitive in acquiring and learning Spanish as a Second Language. 

     Most  lessons contain an audio clip at the beginning of each lesson. Participants will be informed and encouraged to listen to and repeat words and phrases, and also use dialogues in memorizing Spanish the natural way. I recommend that if you are interested in learning how I acquired and learned the Spanish language, please feel free to purchase Between Two Worlds: Being Black and Bilingual is Beautiful, Trust No Man, and my most recent children's book, La Bellisima Ciudad by Walter Blair sole in Barnes & Noble, Amazon.com, AuthorHouse bookstores, and in most retail book stores throughout the United States.